
Come in and read, listen and comment

worry less. enjoy much more.

worry less. enjoy much more.
This is my Debut book it is available on Amazon

Monday, July 28, 2014

The moment I decided to ...

THAT MOMENT... June 2014

The moment I decided to work with female entrepreneurs, was the moment that I felt I had finally found the perfect client, to serve. 
I wanted to work with other business owners who were not afraid to look at their flaws, Women who  were tired of being in the perfection zone and wanted to move into digging deep, getting dirty... being messy and then find a calm.
Health and wellness coaches are my favorite group of people to work with. Because I GET THEM. I can identify with most of their struggles. Why? because I am a health coach.

I have struggles too:
Using mail chimp, getting newsletters done, writing new programs, marketing and staying balanced with my own life. Finding new clients, keeping clients, finding workshop venues, finding retreat spots... the list goes on...

Many Health and wellness coaches are also mother's and they need to keep their own wellness in check. 

Last year I let myself go, I was working with 13 clients and they were getting results with their primary food (career, spiritualism, creativity, home environment, relationships, physical activity, finances, health and education.) We were working on crowding out foods that didn't serve them and adding in more greens, smoothies and less gluten. They saw results and so did I.

I sat in front of the computer, checking emails, marketing, reading theories on digestion, detox, and thyroid issues. I took online classes for my MBA and I worked hard on learning all I could about marketing. I cleaned my house, took care of my family, ran errands, cooked meals and left NO time for my exercise unless it was a few times around my neighborhood with my dog. I ate portions that were too big for me, ( not really realizing it) because I was not mindfully eating. I was eating in front of the computer, while working. All the things I tell my clients NOT to do.

I realized that I struggled with balance. I was trying to be a perfectionist. Perfect mom, perfect meals, perfect house, perfect coaching welcome pack, Perfect planned meetings, lectures and clean eating groups. ALL of this left little time for me to do self-care, whether that means visit with friends,  do yoga class for myself or take an Epson salt bath.

I had to invest money and time into slowing down, and letting go of my perfectionism. I had to take on less clients, and take time to dig deep.

For me digging deep meant hiring a few different health coaches as my coach. I needed to really get in touch with my feelings and do some healing before I could heal others.

Elena Lipson- Became my self-help mentor

Laura Madden- Became my visibility coach/style coach

Whitney Harris- Kept me working in my journal, to deal with fear, limiting beliefs and my issues around money.

Kate Northrup- Continued helping me dig deep into my money stories, and what you do with your money even when you get it, matters.

Brene Brown- Worked with a group of women doing the Gifts of imperfection course. Which is a journal based art class, to look at vulnerability, fear, perfectionism, and play.

I wove all my experiences, healing and fun into a terrific series of ecourses that I offer my  female health conscience entrepreneurs.

When I get to work with these gifted health and wellness coaches I feel like I get them to feel more like their authentic selves, not the self- their parents wanted, or their husband  wants or their children want or even who they think a health coach should be, but WHO THEY REALLY ARE. Who they WANT TO BE.

I welcome the opportunity to work with any one who is ready to find and be their authentic self.

WOMEN ready to bloom get ready for the launch this October. Perfection free ORCHARD

I give you permission to smell the peaches.
or dance in the orchard... whatever your authentic self would a peach orchard... ( or a perfection free orchard)

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Meditation Tip

I had a difficult time learning how to meditate for almost 6 years I struggled with trying to be still and let my mind go still.... NOW I understand and NEED this powerful way to slow down.

People don't always believe the power of Meditation.

 Meditation can help with so many things:

Depression                                          Chronic pain
Binge eating                                         Asthma
Fatigue                                                 Sleep problems
Heart disease                                        Substance abuse
High blood pressure                              Allergies

IF your looking for some fun meditations to try here is a list of great resources:

Try one of the following links above and let me know how you enjoyed it and if you were able to meditate and then come back here and post a comment, I would love to hear from you.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Top 7 WOMEN I adore- entrepreneurs

Being a Health and Wellness coach I am inspired by many of the other women in my profession.

Some of them, I would love to collaborate with one day, others I love reading their newsletters and really resonating with what they say.

Collette Baron-Reid
Collette  is a intuitive expert and a author and keynote speaker. She is one of my NEW obsessions. I have been using her wisdom cards with clients and myself for one year. I enjoy her oracle cards. They shed wisdom on questions I am pondering.
this is a video of her her website is fun and it's here
Here is my newest oracle deck

Laura Madden

Laura is a lifestyle and self-image coach. I have worked with Laura this year. She has helped me go from working behind my computer in leggings and yoga clothes to trying on more of my fun clothes in my closet, dressing to impress and to dress like my authentic self.  Laura says," Self-expression is the most effective form of self-promotion." She works with women entrepreneurs. Laura has a fun spirit and her videos get you to think about getting more visible yourself.
here is one of her fun in the closet here  IF your closet is NOT organized you might want to check out her quick tip.

Kristen Hedges

Kristen was a health coach I loved to follow last year, she is someone that inspires me. She is now doing more sisterhood work and yoga. She created the  meditation cards below. I love the style of  her writing it's real and raw.  I love her simple art work and I enjoy the 365 day writing challenges she offers.
I recently purchased her meditation cards because I needed something fun to help me meditate more, and each card had a idea or meditation to try. She does offer micro-coaching and is planning some cool retreats so head on over and see what she is up to. I am part of her membership group with sisterhood. If a sisterhood interests you than check out her web page. Kristen also taught me about what a mandala is and I have begun making and creating mandalas in my art journal.

I am starting to draw my own, and to color them in. "The word Mandala (pronunciation mon- dah- lah) means "circle". A Mandala represents wholeness, a cosmic diagram reminding us of our relation to infinity, extending beyond and within our bodies and minds.

The mandala appears to us in all aspects of life, the Earth, the Sun, the Moon and more obviously the circles of life encompassing friends, family and communities.

Mandalas are circular designs symbolizing the notion that life is never ending. Many mandalas have spiritual significance to an individual or group of individuals. The Hindus were one of the first people to use a mandala as a spiritual tool, but the mandalas most individuals are familiar with, are ones made by Buddhists.

Mandalas are used for meditation purposes allowing the individual meditating to become one with the universe. There are not many who are able to achieve this state of mind from just studying a mandala. The symbolism behind the creation of a mandala can have significant meaning for many individuals whether they are Jewish, Buddhist, Christian, Pagan or of any other religious orientation.

Mandalas can be created by individuals to symbolize their journeys through life. Mandalas can also tell a story of where an individual has been. In some cases they will reveal the individuals path in life. Groups can create mandalas that will reveal what they should be doing in order to grow and develop as a group.* excerpt taken from the blog Spiritual Awakening."

Mickey Trescott
I just started following Mickey on her facebook page Autoimmune Paleo a few months ago. As some of you know I was diagnosed with Lupus in my late 20's and I still follow autoimmune information. I found her cookbook The Auto-Immune Paleo cookbook terrific. ( It is an allergen-free approach to managing chronic illness) I love most of her recipes but her Tuna on endive is my favorite.

Rachel Feldman
I "met" Rachel right after graduating from IIN ( The Institute for Integrative Nutrition) and although I had all the skills to begin coaching clients, I felt I really needed a little help. Rachel was that help. She is a Health and wellness coach and a business coach to health-focused solopreneurs. She has taught me so much about running a successful detox and has helped me with my own health and digestion.
She is really a MAMA who wants other MAMAS to feel empowered by taking health in our own hands, and trying holistic approaches to medicine and food.
Rachel is the reason my detoxes are as successful as they are for me, and my clients. She taught me that the scariest moment as an entrepreneur is the moment before you start. Before you start juicing, before you start seeing new clients, before you start a new lifestyle goal, before you start exercising more, it's always so scary right before.

Amanda Kraft
I have know Amanda since about May of 2013 we met in Whitney Harris's peer coaching for Holistic MBA. We were on the road to being health coaches. Amanda is a professional photographer, who's eye to detail and images that pop are what makes her someone I love to follow. She has taken some food photography that I feel is food porn to a foodie.  Her specialty is FUN before and after style High-school Senior portraits.
To check out her pictures go
Amanda has a Delicious Crock pot chicken chili recipe on her blog that I make often and LOVE.
She has also enlisted me in her latest adventure BOOTCAMP- the beachbody version called the 21 DAY FIX which mixes exercises, Shakeology drinks with measuring your food and looking at portion control.

The last one is not a person but a website I love.

I sell essential oils, and many times my clients, friends and family have questions about if an essential oil can help them. I send them to this website and the plug in a ailment they have and then the advice for what kind of  oil is best,  will pop up and they decide if that oil is for them.
I send them to my website and they purchase the oil and then let me know how it worked and if they enjoyed it.
you can order here

Hope you found someone you would love to chat with or connect with.

Friday, July 25, 2014

How to make dinner in 3 easy steps.


When dinner time rolls around are you dreading the idea of it? Listening to your kids say what's for dinner? or your husband saying," We're having tacos again?" Then maybe you start showing up at Panera pick up  area or chili's pick up windows to bring dinner home. YOU know that isn't really healthy or affordable. SO what do you do?
You can figure it out by using 3 easy steps.

1. Find a blog, cookbook or program that aligns with your dietary needs or families favorites.

2. Sunday plan in the calendar meals that your family would enjoy from the program, blog or cookbook of your choice.( I have used plan to eat- google it for helping me plan a menu)
3. Go shopping before the week starts and be sure to have all the ingredients, thawed and ready for your lunch and dinner ahead of time, so prep time is shorter, and you can deliver a healthy, planned and delicious meal to your family.

Ok so now you feel motivated but you don't know any blogs, programs or cookbooks right now? Well, you could...

  Try the 28 day revitalize program( that I offer)

 You tired and hungry but didn't plan out dinner, nothing is defrosted and now everyone is ready to eat. You want deeply to feed your family a healthier meal than tacos, fast food and spaghetti and meatballs.

Well I can help with this. YOU can feel  the relief, just knowing you have dinner planned out.

Do you think a meal plan made for you with shopping lists and recipes would help? I have selected your meals for 28 days breakfast, lunch and dinner in a pdf ebook and all  you do is print,  shop and prepare it. You follow the calendar so you know exactly what you are eating for lunch and dinner without forgetting to take out or defrost meat.

Are you wanting to try gluten free  at meals but are afraid your family will miss traditional pasta and bread? Well, the 28 day program gives you lots of other options for bread and pasta, and even shares some kinds of pasta to try that isn't gluten such as brown rice pasta or quinoa pasta. IF you still want your gluten.. you can still have some of it.

I know when you make pasta or present a cooked meal, your not sure of the portions and you allow yourself or hubby to have seconds and then you might feel bloated afterwards asking yourself why did I have seconds? Well, part of my 28 Revitalize program comes with a handout entitled 101 of portions, which helps you figure out what is a portion.

Do you feel that you make the same boring vegetables all the time, broccoli and spinach and sometimes carrots and peas. Do you want to add more variety to your vegetable cooking? than the Revitalize program ( 28 day) is great because it gives you recipes to try that you may not have tried before, the ingredients won't break the bank and the meals don't take more than 15-20 minutes to prep. One of the handouts in the 28 day program is called 101 ways to cook vegetables.

Are you like some of my clients that say, " I would eat more vegetables for dinner and less meat, if I lived alone, but my husband loves meat and my kids HATE vegetables and I am too tired to make 2 meals or 3 every night? I bet you can agree with that.
The menus and recipes have been picky husband tested and kid tested, most kids were able to try and eat most of the meals in the program. The meatballs in the 28 day program were a huge hit, and the husbands loved the salmon burgers and the zucchini boats with a side of chicken breast.

And if dinner isn't your issue but breakfast is, let me tell you I have a smoothie recipe for 28 days.

So if you would like to check out what is included if you purchase the program head over to and go to the top of the page with the work with me tab and move our cursor to the 28 day revitalize program.

The $87  price is for the handouts and the recipes, shopping list and menus. It is not for the private support group page or the 4 sessions with me via the phone or skype.

The $167 price gets you all the handouts, all the recipes, shopping list and menus plus 4 sessions with me Pre, during and post to keep you on track and help answer any questions you might have about before, during or after the program.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

IF I sign up for the Detox what is involved?

Today is Day 2 in the 21 days challenge to blog more. I am doing it with a group of women who are all wanting to post more often to their blogs.

Today I wanted to share with you a question I get asked maybe twice a day every day.
IF I sign up for the Detox what is really involved? what is it?

Many people hear the word DETOX or CLEANSE and they cover their ears, run for the hills or just plain tune you out.
They think it's a DIRTY word.
They think all your going to do is eat
lettuce and not be able to have anything tasty.
They think you are going to spend days in the bathroom.
It's an urban legend.
So let's break it down.
What is a detox?
First I like to share what it is NOT~

* It is NOT a program where you eat berries and nuts only- NO deprivation you can eat till your full

* It is NOT going to send you running into the bathroom if you know what  I mean.

* It is NOT  going to have you in the kitchen with difficult recipes making things that take 50 minutes to cook.

* It is NOT for people who HATE vegetables.

* It is NOT only about losing weight it's about the mind body connection and learning how to create new habits.

So now you know what it is NOT, let's get down to what it is-

The Detox is set up so you have lots of Support the guide is written so you can follow it Step- by Step.

* It is a program that has 3 phases
1st phase is the Pre-detox where you begin to cut back on coffee, fast food, and processed food like Macaroni and cheese from a box etc.

2nd phase is the Detox- where the participant will be abstaining from any eggs, dairy, caffeine,  processed food and sometimes animal protein.
**They follow the recipe book, guideline book and suggested meals to create meals that are "allowed" .
IF they are doing a DIY ( do it yourself) detox they will get a discounted price and they will follow the booklets that they get emailed to them.
IF they are doing the FULL detox- they will be added to a private Facebook forum group and will be invited to a post detox session with the coach via phone or in person.

3rd phase in the Detox is to transition back foods that were on the avoid list.
They will slowly add back one food every 3 days that was on the avoid list during the detox.

What do I get when I purchase the detox?

** Food journal pages
** Shopping list
** Suggested meal plans
**For full detox participants  email support and private facebook forum
**Recipe book for of 60+ recipes

What will doing this detox do for my health?

Improve your digestion

Balance your hormones

Rev up your metabolism

Eat low glycemic meals

Work on de-stress techniques and self-care strategies

Work on your immune system

Lose weight

So know you have been informed and you know really what a detox can do for someones body. YOU might even feel like trying one yourself.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

10 things you may not know about a Health and Wellness coach.

So as you might have learned I am taking part in a blog challenge from another women who's online business focuses on branding and finding the true you.  YOU can check her out at ( yes she is Australian)  Which leads me to 10 things you dont' know about me, the Health and Wellness coach.*** I made it like I interviewed myself

Where do you want to visit most in the world?
1. I want to visit Australia it's on my bucket list

What does a health and wellness coach mean?

2."I help other health coaches and busy moms connect the dots between what they eat and how they feel. We focus on primary foods- NOT secondary foods (things you actually eat) primary foods are your relationships, your job, your spirituality, and movement."

3. What happens the first time you sit with a potential client?

" If someone is interested on eating cleaner, or digging deeper into why they emotionally eat or why they can't clear clutter or their limiting beliefs- I invite them to meet me via Skype, phone or in person and  for 45 minutes it's their time to discuss their unique goals and health concerns. They walk away ready to commit to a program with me either 28 days, 3 month, or 6 months."

4. What is your biggest struggle as a wellness coach with practicing what you preach?

" I would have to say- staying present- trying not to worry all the time about the future. I would also have to say- my portion control- I tend to go back for 2nds and being a women in my late 40's that just is not an option for me, plus I am not as active as I once was although I am trying to change that. A friend of mine invited me to join her for a 21 day FIX program that I will be starting soon, and I am excited to try that with what I learned at IIN- The Instuitute for Integrative Nutrition."

5. What is your down fall in the food world?

" I was vegan last year and so I really found that I didn't miss cheese much or ice cream or even meat but I did miss cupcakes ( good ones) so my down fall was and still is Vegan cupcakes."

6. Why did you change careers from being a Pre-k to K teacher to being a Health and Wellness coach?

" Well, I let myself go and began to stuff my feelings down with food, and was eating my emotions. I was filling voids, with food. When I did a detox, I realized through the mind and body connection of a detox, that I wanted to guide other coaches and moms to deeper levels of wellness.  I understood the value of living a healthy life."

7. For a college student who still can't find a job, or a mother who doesn't feel full-filled or a person who is drawn to health and wellness and wants to enroll in IIN ( Institute for Integrative Nutrition) what advice would you give them?

" Well, this is a loaded question. I would tell them that if they want to improve the health and happiness of "people" than this is the right move for them." BUT they have to be crystal clear about what they want from life? and crystal clear about what kind of person they want to work and serve. I would also tell them that much of the school is about really getting to know yourself to and to step out of your comfort zone, and if that sounds to scary- than to not bother because coaching is about, changing, redefining and growing this journey as a Health and Wellness coach."

8. What is the most important daily practice that you engage in?

" I have two very important practices and they are considered self-care practices. I drink 1 full glass of water daily before waking, and I write in my morning pages ( Julie Cameron) daily.  I also dry brush and practice really breathing... and my breath especially if I find no time to meditate that day. I feel movement for 20 minutes or more daily is HUGE but I am still working on adding that into my life, as much as I want. Dancing, walking, exercise, biking, hiking." I love a good hike."

9. What food did you dislike before that you eat now?

" Growing up I was raised by my grandmother who had me eating yogurt, and salads and veggies at an early age. I did NOT like brussel sprouts, liver, or cilantro at all. I eat all of them now."

10. What do you love about your career as a Health and Wellness coach that you didn't have as a Pre-k teacher ?

" I have the flexibility to work 4 hour workweeks sometimes, I am able to be home for my son if he is ill, I am able to have the freedom of working from outside, or from my car if need be. I love that I meet people and other coaches who need the support of someone who understands their struggles and goals. I love seeing people stand up for themselves and  to step into the spot light and to stop hiding - I also love when people realize they had goals that they forgot they had dreams that were not being full-filled because of fear, or limiting beliefs and they crush those fears and move forward to their dreams, that part is so rewarding."

I hope that you got to know 10 things about me and my coaching world that you didn't know before and that if you are interested more you can read more at

Monday, July 21, 2014

The A to Z challenge

Summer is here already and I decided what a great time to launch a FREE challenge to my fellow Health coaches.

I loved Blogging a few years ago, I made it my JOB to get posts done 4 times a week. This was when I was a teacher and mother, but once I gave up teaching to become a Wellness coach and entrepeneur well, I had little balance in finding time to update my blog with recipes, images, or content.

So that is changing August 1st I am inviting all the Health concious bloggers to join me in a Health coaching A to Z challenge. We will have Weekends off but we will work through the entire alphabet starting with August first and the letter A. So for example you might decide to talk about antioxidants for letter a, or a vegetable, or fruit you have never tried that you got at your local farmers market.

We will share the blog titles of the participanting blogs here, and I will showcase 2 blog posts a week on my facebook page.

You will need to go to two blogs of your choosing to follow throughout the challenge to write comments about their content.

I encourage you to write 2-3 sentences and to be specific and not just write:
 Great blog topic

This is a great way for us to commend one another, think of current content for ourselves and to commit to blogging.

If you are interested send me a email to and tgell me your are in.... YOU do not have to be a health coach- you can be any blog author that would like to participate.