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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

10 things you may not know about a Health and Wellness coach.

So as you might have learned I am taking part in a blog challenge from another women who's online business focuses on branding and finding the true you.  YOU can check her out at ( yes she is Australian)  Which leads me to 10 things you dont' know about me, the Health and Wellness coach.*** I made it like I interviewed myself

Where do you want to visit most in the world?
1. I want to visit Australia it's on my bucket list

What does a health and wellness coach mean?

2."I help other health coaches and busy moms connect the dots between what they eat and how they feel. We focus on primary foods- NOT secondary foods (things you actually eat) primary foods are your relationships, your job, your spirituality, and movement."

3. What happens the first time you sit with a potential client?

" If someone is interested on eating cleaner, or digging deeper into why they emotionally eat or why they can't clear clutter or their limiting beliefs- I invite them to meet me via Skype, phone or in person and  for 45 minutes it's their time to discuss their unique goals and health concerns. They walk away ready to commit to a program with me either 28 days, 3 month, or 6 months."

4. What is your biggest struggle as a wellness coach with practicing what you preach?

" I would have to say- staying present- trying not to worry all the time about the future. I would also have to say- my portion control- I tend to go back for 2nds and being a women in my late 40's that just is not an option for me, plus I am not as active as I once was although I am trying to change that. A friend of mine invited me to join her for a 21 day FIX program that I will be starting soon, and I am excited to try that with what I learned at IIN- The Instuitute for Integrative Nutrition."

5. What is your down fall in the food world?

" I was vegan last year and so I really found that I didn't miss cheese much or ice cream or even meat but I did miss cupcakes ( good ones) so my down fall was and still is Vegan cupcakes."

6. Why did you change careers from being a Pre-k to K teacher to being a Health and Wellness coach?

" Well, I let myself go and began to stuff my feelings down with food, and was eating my emotions. I was filling voids, with food. When I did a detox, I realized through the mind and body connection of a detox, that I wanted to guide other coaches and moms to deeper levels of wellness.  I understood the value of living a healthy life."

7. For a college student who still can't find a job, or a mother who doesn't feel full-filled or a person who is drawn to health and wellness and wants to enroll in IIN ( Institute for Integrative Nutrition) what advice would you give them?

" Well, this is a loaded question. I would tell them that if they want to improve the health and happiness of "people" than this is the right move for them." BUT they have to be crystal clear about what they want from life? and crystal clear about what kind of person they want to work and serve. I would also tell them that much of the school is about really getting to know yourself to and to step out of your comfort zone, and if that sounds to scary- than to not bother because coaching is about, changing, redefining and growing this journey as a Health and Wellness coach."

8. What is the most important daily practice that you engage in?

" I have two very important practices and they are considered self-care practices. I drink 1 full glass of water daily before waking, and I write in my morning pages ( Julie Cameron) daily.  I also dry brush and practice really breathing... and my breath especially if I find no time to meditate that day. I feel movement for 20 minutes or more daily is HUGE but I am still working on adding that into my life, as much as I want. Dancing, walking, exercise, biking, hiking." I love a good hike."

9. What food did you dislike before that you eat now?

" Growing up I was raised by my grandmother who had me eating yogurt, and salads and veggies at an early age. I did NOT like brussel sprouts, liver, or cilantro at all. I eat all of them now."

10. What do you love about your career as a Health and Wellness coach that you didn't have as a Pre-k teacher ?

" I have the flexibility to work 4 hour workweeks sometimes, I am able to be home for my son if he is ill, I am able to have the freedom of working from outside, or from my car if need be. I love that I meet people and other coaches who need the support of someone who understands their struggles and goals. I love seeing people stand up for themselves and  to step into the spot light and to stop hiding - I also love when people realize they had goals that they forgot they had dreams that were not being full-filled because of fear, or limiting beliefs and they crush those fears and move forward to their dreams, that part is so rewarding."

I hope that you got to know 10 things about me and my coaching world that you didn't know before and that if you are interested more you can read more at

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